Journalists depend on the Internet and digital communications for research, interaction and news distribution. The widespread use of Internet and social media for news distribution, interaction with audiences without basic digital safeguards has facilitated harassment against journalists in online settings by a variety of means, including by disseminating threats and disinformation, stalking and broadcasting private or personally identifiable information.

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Somalia is the world’s most dangerous country for reporters, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. On a day-to-day-basis, the online harassment and censorship against journalists and social rights activists in Somalia is on the rise in a time most of the Journalists depend on the Internet and digital communications for research, interaction and news distribution.

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Last week, Somalia celebrated International Youth Day 2020 with the important theme of youth engagement for global action, an event which is held every year on August 12. Some stunning events were held in different parts of Somalia to commemorate International Youth Day 2020, a country where young people make up over 75% of the population.

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In 1999, the General Assembly endorsed the recommendation made by the  World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth (Lisbon, 8-12 August 1998) that 12 August be declared International Youth Day. International Youth Day gives an opportunity to celebrate and mainstream young peoples’ voices, actions and initiatives, as well as their meaningful, universal and equitable engagement.

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While more people make their way onto the internet, it is no surprise that the amount of electronic violence against women also rises. This is not a new phenomenon in the world, but it is dealt with as part of the violence and discrimination that women and girls face offline and online throughout their lives. Despite the growing awareness in Somalia about the importance of using secure and safe Internet and the scarcity of data on online harassment and violence, the issue often goes unnoticed in discussions about violence against women. It’s not considered a grave form of violence or a significant issue in Somalia, and women rarely discuss online harassment and violence.

The recent speculation and heated discussions over a video showing the private parts of a young girl posted and distributed on social media without her consent are one of the hundred similar cases that our organization recorded in 2020. Bareedo Platform Somalia conducted a survey in one state of Somalia, revealing that 49% of the women surveyed had experienced stalking and harassment through messaging apps, with 39% reporting at least one and 33% reporting multiple hacks. Furthermore, according to 78% of the surveyed women, the consequences of online harassment are concerning, as it can lead to suicide, physical assault, emotional distress, and even the departure of women from education and online spaces due to reputational damage or fear for their personal safety. And while this happens, not many know how to prevent it, with 66% saying they have little understanding of the kind of protection or guidelines that the social media platform offers against the abuser due to poor digital literacy and language barriers.

When online harassment occurs, many victims feel vulnerable and are unaware of the actions that they can take to address the issue or unfamiliar with the ways that they can report complaints. Due to this, it is increasingly critical for women to develop cyber security skills, learn about online threats and how to protect their information and devices, and support women in developing the skills and knowledge they need to ensure they are secure and empowered digital citizens. Furthermore, we acknowledge that both online and offline violence against women significantly hinder the ability of women and girls to exercise their full range of human rights. Therefore, we urge the relevant stakeholders to implement the necessary steps to safeguard the internet from escalating threats and ensure it remains a secure environment for women and girls in Somalia.

If someone tries to blackmail you by threatening to publish private photos or videos of you or know someone is at risk of immediate harm, please contact our Digital Help Desk for technical assistance:- Email: or Secure Email: