Bareedo Platform works to create an information-rich environment that supports all citizens across the country to be informed and engaged citizens, provide analytical services, including assessments, evaluations, special studies, knowledge management, performance monitoring, strategy and policy design for decision makers and stakeholders.

Annual Reports

Sectoral Reports

Brief Report On Achievements Of Open Data In Puntland For The Year Of 2019

The term “open data” is something new to the Somali people, but it is definitely time to apply such approach in Somalia. Open data is not a new concept, although it only seems to have gained fame recent decades. It is simply defined as data that anyone can access, use and share. Bareedo Platform has been leading a campaign aimed to encourage open government in Somalia to promote democracy, accountable government and challenge corruption. In specific, the first campaign was started in Puntland State and the following achievements were made in the year of 2019:-

Democracy, Governance & Elections

Policy Brief: Democracy in Puntland: The People’s Choice

Puntland Facts & Figures

This book’s publication of an annual serial of Statistics, which will serve as a main general statistical reference for the Puntland State of Somalia. Given the relatively short time that Puntland has existed and the critical socioeconomic and political situation, required statistics have not been collated and complied mainly due to lack of adequate secondary data as well as limited resources with which to carry out intended surveys to collect necessary primary data.However, this book covers various important aspects of economic, social and industrial life. For instance: population, climate, social services (education, health), agricultural production, communication, marine production and revenue. The Puntland Facts and Figures will be updated annually and the data of missing sectors incorporated as it becomes available. 

Gender Reports