Freedom of information is an extension of freedom of speach a fundamental human right recognised in international law and national laws, which is today understood more generally as freedom of expression in any medium, be it orally, in writing, print, through the internet or through art forms. This means that the protection of freedom of speech as a right includes not only the content, but also the means of expression. Bareedo Platform promotes freedom of information; digital rights and access to information and will support the capacity of the media, journalists and other related programs to ensure the freedom of information.
If you are a journalist or media organisation under threat and need legal assistance, we can help you or refer to other partner. See the available assistance below:-
Debates Over Mogadishu’s Representation In The Upper House Prompts Hate Speech And Disinformation In The Social Media – The recent heated debates on Mogadishu’s representation in the Upper House and arrangements for the upcoming federal elections by the Lower House and public remarks and speeches by some senior government officials, politicians and other prominent figures triggered inflammatory and hate speech, disinformation and confrontation among Somali social media users. Read More……
Bareedo Platform Provided Legal Assistance For A Blogger Detained In Galkacyo Over Reporting Deterioration Of Security – Galkacyo Police Commissioner arrested a local blogger over reporting deterioration of security in Galkacyo and government’s unresponsive to an increasing bandits at the night. The process of his arrest was not made as prescribed by the law and without a court and was held at the Police Station for 12 hours. Read More……
Expanding the number and capacity of Online Media Outlets in Somalia – The past ten years have seen a revolution in the ways in which people access, consume and share information. The Internet is now within the reach of more than 5 million in Somalia and an increasing number of them are now turning to social media platforms as a key source for the latest news and information, sharing and exchanging vital issues regarding the country’s political process, the social services and the demand of greater accountability and transparency from the government.