The past ten years have seen a revolution in the ways in which people access, consume and share information. The Internet is now within the reach of more than 1 million in Puntland and an increasing number of them are now turning to social media platforms as a key source for the latest news and information, sharing and exchanging vital issues regarding the country’s political process, the social services and the demand of greater accountability and transparency from the government.

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In a country where 70% of the population is under 35, entire generations of Somalis have become accustomed to a nation without a government. When the state collapsed in 1991, two decades of lawlessness and conflict followed. The main cause of widespread collapse or affecting the country wholly was that the dictatorship system of which power system is centralised and kept all governmental services in one town which attracted millions of Somali population to vacate their habitual places and populated in Mogadishu only.

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